Getting Involved
Join Our Ministries
Growing in Faith Together
Following Christ isn’t something we’re meant to do alone. A gift of the Christian faith is having friends for the journey who support and encourage our spiritual growth. Here you’ll find a sampling of the smaller groups and ministries within Andrews UMC that will help you make those connections and find that support.
Family Ministry
Welcome to our Andrews UMC Family Ministry!
We provide ministry for the whole family: children, youth, and parents. For weekly updates, sign up for our Family Ministry weekly newsletter. The newsletter can also be view on our Facebook page. Contact Robby Morris (Director of Family Ministry)
Robby’s Info:
- Email:
- Cell (Text Only): 704-942-8769
Youth Ministry:
Guys Small Group: (Grades 6 – 12)
Meets on Sunday’s from 5-6:30pm every two weeks in our gym for games, dinner, and devotions.
Girls Small Group: (Grades 6 – 12)
Meets on Wednesdays from 5:15-6:15pm every two weeks in our gym for games and devotions.
Our youth are also is involved in fun events around the area, retreats, and camps. Contact our Director of Family Ministries Robby Morris for more information.
Children’s Ministry:
Sunday School: Our children (K-3rd Grade) meet every Sunday Morning at 10am for Sunday school in Room 215 upstairs in the Family Life Center.
Wonderful Wednesdays: Grades K – 5
3-5pm. Afterschool children’s program for Grades K-5th grade. We meet the kids after school at Andrews Elementary and walk them down the school house steps to the church for an afternoon of games, snacks, crafts, and Bible-based lessons. Parents pick their children up at 5pm. Wonderful Wednesday’s meets on Wednesdays during school year, and select Wednesday’s during summer.
Contact Robby Morris for registration at
Safe Sanctuaries
All adults who work with our children and youth receive a background check and our “Safe Sanctuaries” training for best practices and good boundaries.
United Methodist Women (UMW) and Men (UMM)
United Methodist Women
The UMW meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 2pm in our Fellowship Hall for service, spiritual growth, and Christian friendship. They love to put their faith into action by supporting local nonprofits and providing meals for families after funerals. Want to get involved?
Contact our UMW President Trudy Reynolds at
United Methodist Men
The UMM meet on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 8:30am in our Family Life Center for a big breakfast and to meet and plan opportunities for service. Joining them is a great way to meet other men who love serving Christ.
For more information, contact UMM President Mookie Booth.
Using Your Gifts
Music Ministries
Join The Choir
Andrews UMC’s choir helps lead worship through introits, anthems, solos, and other special music each Sunday. They practice every Wednesday night at 7pm and welcome new musicians!
Joslyn Parker Booth, Choir Director:
Contemporary Worship Music
Vocalists and Musicians who are interested in performing and leading contemporary worship music for worship services, events, live stream, and pre-recorded music videos for weekly podcast, contact Robby Morris @
Looking to make a difference in the community? Andrews UMC is a great place to use your gifts and discover new opportunities.
Missions and Community Service
In the Church
Service opportunities within our church include:
- The Welcome Table, a free meal for anyone who needs food or friendship every Thursday at 5-6pm. Take out is available.
- Bimonthly Red Cross Blood Drives
- Fifth Quarters, a safe and fun environment for youth after the home football games
- Click here to see the full list of service opportunities.
In the Community
We also support a number of local nonprofits with finances, facilities, and/or volunteers, such as: Home Delivered Meals, the Cherokee County Food Bank, Scouting, Alcoholics Anonymous, REACH, Special Olympics, Cherokee County Schools, and more.